Why We Encourage Our Patients to Take Fish Oil After Surgery

Any surgery requires you to be in mental and physical good shape, which involves having a healthy mind and body for the most successful outcome. Incorporating the benefits of Omega-3 fish oil into your regular diet as a way to guarantee good cardiovascular and brain health has been touted for years. A recent study in the Journal of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons found in additional studies of Omega-3 fatty acids and the effect it has on the development of capsules around silicone gel implants. Possibly making way for a new treatment to help reduce the risk. Currently, the most effective way to eliminate the uncomfortable symptoms of capsular contracture is to remove the scar tissue to restore the breast’s appearance.
Capsular contracture is when breast implants form scar tissue or capsule around them as part of the body’s natural healing process. The capsule protects the implants and helps them to stay in place. Sometimes the capsule will permeate, resulting in tightening and hardening, and compression of the breast implant, causing severe pain and distress over time. According to the Archives of Plastic Surgery, the overall incidence of capsular contracture is around 10.6% percent, with about 75 percent of cases occurring within two years of breast augmentation surgery.
Fortunately, incorporating the benefits of Omega-3 fish oil is one way to reduce total body inflammation. You’re probably already eating your favorite foods rich in Omega−3 fatty acids such as anchovies, salmon, flaxseed, eggs, sardines, tuna, and walnuts, to name a few. Adding Omega-3 supplements, especially when getting a breast implant procedure, can reduce your capsular contracture rate by 10 percent after your operation.
The study revealed when the control group took Omega-3 oil every day, the capsule forming around the breast implant was weaker than the capsule formed in the placebo group—resulting in a promising outcome for Omega-3 supplements as a way to effectively reduce or prevent the occurrence of capsular contracture after implant surgery using silicone.
Dr. Barrett has thoughtfully assembled a collection of post-op care products to take away the guesswork from patients about what to use during recovery from breast augmentation. Living Fuel SuperEssentials® Omegas 3EDA+ is high-quality fish oil made from the safer parts of the ocean with less mercury and other toxins. It’s a powerful blend of antioxidants, fish oil, and essential fatty acids promoting a healthy lifestyle. The best quality Omega-3 fats come from small fish that thrive in cold waters. It contains omega 6 GLA, K12, E, A, and D vitamins and comes in a soft gel. The K2 vitamin supplies added support for:
- Heart, brain, bone, teeth, and skin health.
- It helps to prevent osteoporosis through proper calcium metabolism.
- Cardiovascular health by limiting calcium deposits in blood vessels.
- Youthful skin by preventing elastin calcification.
- Regulate blood sugar.
- Reduce oxidative stress and inflammation.
- Promote increased testosterone levels for men.
When it pertains to Omega-3 fatty acids, not all fish oils are alike. The more trustworthy is super clean and doesn’t have wheat, gluten, rye, oats, corn, or yeast—no eggs, sugar, wax, preservatives, soy protein, or other milk derivatives. We recommend a discussion with your primary doctor before starting a supplement regimen. If you have breast implants and are experiencing any capsular contracture symptoms or have concerns, give us a call today.